Selasa, 25 September 2012

Creating Web Services with PHP and SOAP, Part 1

As application developers, the ability to develop software and services for a wide range of platforms is a necessary skill, but not everyone uses the same language or platform and writing code to support them all is not feasible. If only there was a standard that allowed us to write code once and allow others to interact with it from their own software with ease. Well luckily there is… and it’s name is SOAP. (SOAP used to be an acronym which stood for Simple Object Access Protocol, but as of version 1.2 the protocol goes simply by the name SOAP.)
SOAP allows you to build interoperable software and allows others to take advantage of your software over a network. It defines rules for sending and receiving Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) such as the structure of the request and responses. Therefore, SOAP is not tied to any specific operating system or programming language. As that matters is someone can formulate and parse a SOAP message in their chosen language
In this first of a two part series on web services I’ll talk about the SOAP specification and what is involved in creating SOAP messages. I’ll also demonstrate how to create a SOAP server and client using the excellent NuSOAP library to illustrate the flow of SOAP. In the second part I’ll talk about the importance of WSDL files, how you can easily generate them with NuSOAP as well, and how a client may use a WSDL file to better understand your web service.
The Structure of a SOAP Message
SOAP is based on XML so it is considered human read, but there is a specific schema that must be adhered to. Let’s first break down a SOAP message, stripping out all of its data, and just look at the specific elements that make up a SOAP message.



This might look like just an ordinary XML file, but what makes it a SOAP message is the root element Envelope with the namespace soap as The soap:encodingStyle attribute determines the data types used in the file, but SOAP itself does not have a default encoding.
soap:Envelope is mandatory, but the next element, soap:Header, is optional and usually contains information relevant to authentication and session handling. The SOAP protocol doesn’t offer any built-in authentication, but allows developers to include it in this header tag.
Next there’s the required soap:Body element which contains the actual RPC message, including method names and, in the case of a response, the return values of the method. The soap:Fault element is optional; if present, it holds any error messages or status information for the SOAP message and must be a child element of soap:Body.
Now that you understand the basics of what makes up a SOAP message, let’s look at what SOAP request and response messages might look like. Let’s start with a request.


Above is an example SOAP request message to obtain the stock price of a particular company. Inside soap:Body you’ll notice the GetStockPrice element which is specific to the application. It’s not a SOAP element, and it takes its name from the function on the server that will be called for this request. StockName is also specific to the application and is an argument for the function.
The response message is similar to the request:


Inside the soap:Body element there is a GetStockPriceResponse element with a Price child that contains the return data. As you would guess, both GetStockPriceResponse and Price are specific to this application.
Now that you’ve seen an example request and response and understand the structure of a SOAP message, let’s install NuSOAP and build a SOAP client and server to demonstrate generating such messages.
Building a SOAP Server
It couldn’t be easier to get NuSOAP up and running on your server; just visit, download and unzip the package in your web root direoctry, and you’re done. To use the library just include the nusoap.php file in your code.
For the server, let’s say we’ve been given the task of building a service to provide a listing of products given a product category. The server should read in the category from a request, look up any products that match the category, and return the list to the user in a CSV format.
Create a file in your web root named productlist.php with the following code:
require_once "nusoap.php";

function getProd($category) {
    if ($category == "books") {
        return join(",", array(
            "The WordPress Anthology",
            "PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code",
            "Build Your Own Website the Right Way"));
        else {
            return "No products listed under that category";

$server = new soap_server();
First, the nusoap.php file is included to take advantage of the NuSOAP library. Then, the getProd() function is defined. Afterward, a new instance of the soap_server class is instantiated, the getProd() function is registered with its register() method.
This is really all that’s needed to create your own SOAP server – simple, isn’t it? In a real-world scenario you would probably look up the list of books from a database, but since I want to focus on SOAP, I’ve mocked getProd() to return a hard-coded list of titles.
If you want to include more functionality in the sever you only need to define the additional functions (or even methods in classes) and register each one as you did above.
Now that we have a working server, let’s build a client to take advantage of it.
Building a SOAP Client
Create a file named productlistclient.php and use the code below:
require_once "nusoap.php";
$client = new nusoap_client("http://localhost/nusoap/productlist.php");

$error = $client->getError();
if ($error) {
    echo "

Constructor error

" . $error . "

$result = $client->call("getProd", array("category" => "books"));

if ($client->fault) {
    echo "


    echo "
else {
    $error = $client->getError();
    if ($error) {
        echo "


" . $error .
    else {
        echo "


        echo $result;
        echo "
Once again we include nusoap.php with require_once and then create a new instance of nusoap_client. The constructor takes the location of the newly created SOAP server to connect to. The getError() method checks to see if the client was created correctly and the code displays an error message if it wasn’t.
The call() method generates and sends the SOAP request to call the method or function defined by the first argument. The second argument to call() is an associate array of arguments for the RPC. The fault property and getError() method are used to check for and display any errors. If no there are no errors, then the result of the function is outputted.
Now with both files in your web root directory, launch the client script (in my case http://localhost/nusoap/productlistclient.php) in your browser. You should see the following:
If you want to inspect the SOAP request and response messages for debug purposes, or if you just to pick them apart for fun, add these lines to the bottom of productlistclient.php:
echo "


echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($client->request, ENT_QUOTES) .
echo "


echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($client->response, ENT_QUOTES) .
The HTTP headers and XML content will now be appended to the output.

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